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Papadodimas, K, Raju S.  2015.  Local Operators in the Eternal Black Hole. Phys. Rev. Lett.. 115(21):211601.
Papadodimas, K, Raju S.  2015.  Remarks on the necessity and implications of state-dependence in the black hole interior. Phys. Rev. . D93(08):084049.
Raju, S.  2014.  Estimating the Frequency of Nuclear Accidents. Science & Global Security. 24(1):37-62.
Papadodimas, K, Raju S.  2014.  The Black Hole Interior in AdS/CFT and the Information Paradox. Phys.Rev.Lett. . 112:051301.arXiv
Papadodimas, K, Raju S.  2014.  State-Dependent Bulk-Boundary Maps and Black Hole Complementarity. Phys. Rev. D. 89:086010.arXiv
Ramana, MV, Raju S.  2013.   Cost of Electricity from the Jaitapur Nuclear Power Plant. EPW. 48(26):51.
Papadodimas, K, Raju S.  2013.  An Infalling Observer in AdS/CFT. JHEP. 1310:212. Abstract


Papadodimas, K, Raju S.  2013.  The unreasonable effectiveness of exponentially suppressed corrections in preserving information . Int.J.Mod.Phys. . 2013:1342030.
Mata, I, Raju S, Trivedi S.  2012.  CMB from CFT. JHEP . 2013(07):015.
Chowdhury, D, Raju S, Sachdev S, Singh A, Strack P.  2012.  Multipoint correlators of conformal field theories: implications for quantum critical transport. Phys. Rev.. B 87:085138.
Raju, S.  2011.  Recursion Relations for AdS/CFT Correlators. Phys.Rev.. D83:126002.
Gaberdiel, MR, Gopakumar R, Hartman T, Raju S.  2011.  Partition Functions of Holographic Minimal Models. JHEP. 1108:077.
Fitzpatrick, LA, Kaplan J, Penedones J, Raju S, van Rees BC.  2011.  A Natural Language for AdS/CFT Correlators. JHEP. 1111:095.
Papadodimas, K, Raju S.  2011.  Correlation Functions in Holographic Minimal Models. Nucl.Phys.. B856:607-646.
Raju, S, Ramana MV.  2010.  The Other Side of Nuclear Liability. EPW. 45(16):48.
Raju, S.  2010.  BCFW for Witten Diagrams. Phys.Rev.Lett.. 106:091601.
Raju, S.  2010.  India's Atomic Energy Program: Claims and Reality. Aspects of India's Economy. (48)
Lal, S, Raju S.  2010.  Rational Terms in Theories with Matter. JHEP. 1008:022. Abstract
Lal, S, Raju S.  2009.  The Next-to-Simplest Quantum Field Theories. Phys.Rev.. D81:105002. Abstract


Raju, S.  2009.  The Noncommutative S-Matrix. JHEP. 0906:005. Abstract
Bhattacharya, J, Bhattacharyya S, Minwalla S, Raju S.  2008.  Indices for Superconformal Field Theories in 3,5 and 6 Dimensions. JHEP. 0802:064.
Raju, CK, Raju S.  2008.  Radiative Damping and Functional Differential Equations. Mod.Phys.Lett.. A26:2627-2638.