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Chakraborty, T, Chakravarty J, Godet V, Paul P, Raju S.  2023.  The Hilbert space of de Sitter quantum gravity, 3. Abstract


Chakraborty, T, Chakravarty J, Godet V, Paul P, Raju S.  2023.  Holography of information in de Sitter space, 3. Abstract


Laddha, A, Prabhu SG, Raju S, Shrivastava P.  2022.  Squinting at massive fields from infinity, 7. Abstract


Geng, H, Karch A, Perez-Pardavila C, Raju S, Randall L, Riojas M, Shashi S.  2022.  Jackiw-Teitelboim Gravity from the Karch-Randall Braneworld. Phys. Rev. Lett.. 129:231601., Number 23 Abstract


Geng, H, Karch A, Perez-Pardavila C, Raju S, Randall L, Riojas M, Shashi S.  2021.  Entanglement Phase Structure of a Holographic BCFT in a Black Hole Background. JHEP . 05(2022)
Raju, S.  2021.  Failure of the split property in gravity and the information paradox. Classical and Quantum Gravity.
Chowdhury, C, Godet V, Papadoulaki O, Raju S.  2021.  Holography from the Wheeler-DeWitt equation. JHEP. 03(2022)
Geng, H, Karch A, Perez-Pardavila C, Raju S, Randall L, Riojas M, Shashi S.  2021.  Inconsistency of Islands in Theories with Long-Range Gravity. JHEP.
Raju, S.  2020.  Lessons from the Information Paradox, 12. Physics Reports. 943:1-80.
Laddha, A, Prabhu SG, Raju S, Shrivastava P.  2020.  The Holographic Nature of Null Infinity. SciPost Phys.. 10(2):41.
Geng, H, Karch A, Raju S, Randall L, Riojas M, Perez-Pardavila C, Shashi S.  2020.  Information Transfer with a Gravitating Bath. SciPost Phys.. 10(5):103.
Chowdhury, C, Papadoulaki O, Raju S.  2020.  A physical protocol for observers near the boundary to obtain bulk information in quantum gravity. SciPost Phys. 10(5):106.
Banerjee, S, Papadodima K, Raju S, Samantray P, Shrivastava P.  2019.   Bound on Thermal Relativistic Correlators at Large Spacelike Momenta. SciPost Phys.. 8:64.
Raju, S.  2019.  Is Holography Implicit in Canonical Gravity? Int.J.Mod.Phys.D. 28(14):1944011.
Papadodimas, K, Raju S, Shrivastava P.  2019.  A simple quantum test for smooth horizons. JHEP. 2020(12 ):3.
Raju, S, Shrivastava P.  2018.  A Critique of the Fuzzball Program. Phys.Rev.D . 99(6):066009.
Raju, S.  2018.  A Toy Model of the Information Paradox in Empty Space. SciPost Phys. 6(6):073.
Banerjee, S, Bryan J-W, Papadodimas K, Raju S.  2016.  A toy model of black hole complementarity. JHEP. 2016(05):004.
Raju, S.  2016.  Smooth Causal Patches for AdS Black Holes. Phys. Rev. D. 95(12):126002.
Ghosh, S, Raju S.  2016.  The Breakdown of String Perturbation Theory for Many External Particles. Phys. Rev. Lett. 118(13):131602.